Rules & Agreements

Please read the following rules carefully before signing in.

This Agreement governs relations of the Company participants (the Company and the User) concerning the use of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" ). The company is available on a web-site

Accepting these Agreement conditions the User agrees to follow all its terms. The User's assent with these Agreement regulations is a compulsory condition for his participation in the Company, for his registration as a Company participant and for the use of any free and paid services provided by the Company within the framework of the Company.

When accepting these Agreement conditions the User confirms that he is capable and competent and has the right to conclude this Agreement. The Company may change this Agreement without any special notice of the User by publishing the actual version of the Agreement on Company Site.

1. General regulations

1.1. is a Company allocated in the Internet on web-site
1.2. In accordance with this Agreement the Company provides the following services to the User:
• 1.2.1. Access to the Personal Profile of the Company and possibility to participate in investment activity;
• 1.2.2. Access to the informational resources of the Company;
• 1.2.3. Access to other services and activities available within the framework of the Company.
1.3. The Company description, Company Regulations, Investment regulations and other supplemental information is available on Company Sites sections. They are an integral part of this Agreement and should be obligatory followed by the User.
1.4. The User has to pay for his computer software and Internet connection himself.

2. Subject of Agreement

2.1. When the User accepts this Agreement every condition of the Agreement is applied to him.
2.2. According to these Agreement conditions the Company gives the User a right to use the Company twenty-four-hour in accordance with the Company regulations. This doesn't extend to the cases when preventive maintenance and other situations, preventing the User to get access to the Company through no fault of the Company, take place. The Company reserves the right to change it’s functioning schedule and conditions.
2.3. The Company reserves the right to change it’s regulations, funds investment conditions and/or dividends received from investment. In this case the Company notifies the User by means of information allocation on the Company Sites.
2.4. Investment to the Company is fulfilled in accordance with Investment conditions allocated in a specific section on the Company Site.
2.5. If the User violates the Agreement (including Investment conditions) the Company has the right to forbid him further using of the Company and/or sanction him including (but not restricting): warning, temporary locking of User's Username, permanently erasing User's Username, claim for compensation or other sanctions.
2.6. The Company decides to sanction any User regardless of the fact whether the User has made an investment to the Company or just participates in the Company without making an investment. The money received as investment from the User who's Username was locked and erased won't be returned.

3. Rights and obligations of the User

3.1. The user has the right to use the Company for personal advantage only in accordance with the Company conditions.
3.2. The User has to undergo registration procedure: to fill the registration form, to agree with the User Agreement conditions.
3.3. The User agrees to provide truthful, accurate and exact information about himself concerning spheres mentioned in registration form. He also agrees to keep this information relevant.
3.4. The User chooses his own Username and Password during registration which will allow the system to identify the User from other Company Users. The Company has the right to inhibit the use of certain Usernames and/or withdraw them from use.
3.5. The User has to provide non-disclosure of his Password and other relevant data and bears responsibility for safety and security of his own Username and Password and also for all the risks and losses connected with it.
3.6. The User can issue a claim, comments, propositions and regards connected with the Company usage in the form of electronic letter sent to the Company's address which is mentioned on the Project Site.
3.7. Every User has the right to exit the Company after lock-in period on particular and convincing grounds.
3.8. On demand of the Company the User has to provide exact information about himself with the help of which the process of identification of the Username's owner is possible.
3.9. The User has to contact the Company in case when he discovered that his Username or/and Password were cracked.
3.10. The User promises to respect and treat other Company participants and Company's representatives friendly.
3.11. The User has no right to restrict access of other Users to the Company or prevent them from using it.

4. Rights and obligations of the Company

4.1. The Company commits himself not to deliberately disclose to the third party information about the User, which was given to him during registration, except for situations under the Law. The Company also promises not to change the User's Username and Password without his permission.
4.2. The Company doesn't guarantee uninterrupted functioning of the Project and doesn't bear responsibility for temporary technical deficiencies and stops in the Project work, communication lines or other similar deficiencies. He doesn't bear responsibility for troubles with the User's computer which was used to go online.
4.3. The Company is not liable in damages resulting from Project information usage or non-usage by the User.
4.4. The Company bears no responsibility to his User for other Users actions.
4.5. The Company has the right in his absolute discretion and without giving any reason to take any measures not contradicting legislation for reducing and stopping access to the Company by the Users violating this Agreement or Company conditions.
4.6. Accepting this Agreement the User agrees to receive informational letters sent by the Company (including but not restricting: news, notifications, summons, reminders, warnings, system messages) to the address given in User's registration form or via any other way (including response message confirming provision of requested Service for the User by the Company) if it is connected with service specificity of a certain payment service provider chosen by the User.

5. Other conditions

5.1. The Company doesn't guarantee that the Company software doesn't contain errors or functions uninterruptible; all the defects will be eliminated; the service will satisfy the User's demands and provided uninterruptible, surely, quickly and without errors; the quality of every product, service or information etc. received by means of the Company will satisfy the demands and/or aims of the User.
5.2. The Company is not liable in losses or other damages for the User resulting from the third party activity including activity of former Company employees.
5.3. The Company reserves the right to delete any information or materials from his server if in Company's opinion they are regarded as inappropriate, undesirable or violating the Agreement.
5.4. The Company has the right in his reasonable discretion and at any time to increase or change the service quality without any preliminary notice of the User. The Company has the right in his reasonable discretion and at any time to change the Agreement conditions.
5.6. This Agreement comes into effect when the User accepts it during his registration procedure in the Company. The User agrees that he preliminary and in full volume acquainted himself with these Agreement conditions and accepts them without any exceptions.
5.7. The Agreement is made for the term of one year with further possible automatic prolongation.
5.8. The Company has the right in his reasonable discretion to refuse this Agreement and to stop providing services in Project usage without any preliminary notice.
5.9. Disputes concerning this Agreement should be settled by negotiations during 30 days. In cases when these disputes can't be settled extrajudicially by the specified time they should be left to the appropriate judicial agency at the defendant's location.